Safe Return to Games – Covid-19 Advisory Group Report

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Sat 6th Jun

The Covid-19 Advisory Group were tasked with preparing a guidance document and recommendations that would inform the safe resumption of activities within the Gaelic Games family. The roadmap contained in their report (appended below) outlines and defines a set of recommended minimum practices for the re-introduction of activities in a methodical manner which preserves player and community safety. The objective is to advise members and clubs on how a resumption of activities can best be achieved in a controlled and safe manner. Key points include:

  • Appointment of Covid Supervisors in each club;
  • Completion of a risk assessment health questionnaire by players, parent/guardian (for underage players) and backroom personnel prior to each training session – each participant is also advised to have their temperature checked and recorded;
  • Preparation of facilities including hand gel dispensers, signage, a medical isolation room and appropriate arrangements for dis-infecting equipment and sanitising other facilities;
  • Education of club members;
  • Appropriate scheduling of training, games and other events; and,
  • Advice relating to an array of other activities including access to changing rooms, travelling to training/matches, prior preparation, team meetings and size of training groups.

With the exception of walking tracks, where they exist, which open Monday June 8th club pitches and other training facilities will remain closed until June 29th. Based on the government’s current roadmap club games can commence from July 31st and inter-county competitions in mid-October (and may spill over in 2021). Speaking on RTE radio GAA President, John Horan, said the document lays out a road map and the aim “for the next three weeks is to prepare our clubs and our mentors to get ready for the resumption of training within our facilities”. The President also announced, at a press briefing today, that he is hopeful crowds will be able to attend inter-county games and the Association is planning for restricted numbers taking into account whatever social distancing restrictions are in place at that time.


By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Sat 6th Jun

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