ICOACHKIDS Conferences in ATU on September 1st

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Wed 10th Aug

ICOACHKIDS Conferences in ATU on September 1st
ICOACHKIDS Conferences in ATU on September 1st

ATU Letterkenny will be the venue for the 1st I Coach Kids Conference which takes place on Thursday 1st September from 6.30pm. This series  of coaching conferences promoted by Coaching Ireland will take place across Ireland from the 1st with ATU Sligo being the venue for  2nd September.

The conference is part of the European Week of Sport, Sport Ireland Coaching and is in partnership with the LSP Network and the Sport Ireland Participation Unit. If we are going to attract children and teenagers and keep them engaged in sport and physical activity (PA), we need to consider how sport and PA is perceived, how it is delivered and what we value. Sport and PA should provide positive meaningful experiences for each and every child/teenager. At Sport Ireland Coaching we believe that coaches of children and teenagers need to be more valued and supported, so that they can deliver this for children and teenagers.

So, if you answer YES to any of the following questions attending an ICOACHKIDS Regional Coaching Conference is for YOU!

  • Are you a coach of children U12?
  • Do you coach teenage girls?
  • Do you coach teenage boys?
  • Would you like to know more about being child/teen centred in your coaching?
  • What coaching skills do you need to improve/develop to put the needs of children/teenagers first?
  • Would you like to develop an inclusive culture and environment where you coach?
  • Are you concerned with dropout from your sport?

Four (4) ICOACHKIDS Regional Coaching Conferences will be based in the following locations in conjunction with LSPs in their region, between 1-4 September 2022:

Donegal – Sligo – Limerick – Waterford

Please consider attending the conference closest to where you live. You can learn more about ICOACHKIDS Regional Coaching Conferences and how to register at the following link.


Please note that places are limited in each venue, so register early. The cost of registration is €10. 

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Wed 10th Aug

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