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All Online Tickets for the Club Donegal WinYourHouse in Dublin Draw Are now Sold

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Sat 21st Nov

All Online Tickets for the Club Donegal WinYourHouse in Dublin Draw Are now Sold
All Online Tickets for the Club Donegal WinYourHouse in Dublin Draw Are now Sold

All the online tickets for the Club Donegal draw for a house in Dublin are now sold. A massive thank you to all those who have bought tickets. All proceeds are going toward financing the Donegal GAA Centre at Convoy. There may be a small number of hard copy tickets remaining as some may come back unsold from Donegal clubs. Anyone still hoping to buy a ticket can send contact Joanne Dawson of Club Donegal at


Comhghairdeas, agus go raibh míle maith agaibh, to the hard working Club Donegal Committee who have been working hard for well over a year, a lot longer than initially anticipated as a result of Covid restrictions, and have done a great job to get all online tickets sold ahead of the December 4th deadline. Thank you as well to all the Donegal celebrities who have helped with the promotion of this fundraiser and to our sponsors. It is much appreciated.

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Sat 21st Nov

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