Donegal v Mayo and New Rules

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Sat 25th Jan

Donegal v Mayo and New Rules
Donegal v Mayo and New Rules

Three new rules relating to kick-outs the mark and the sin bin come into play today in the Allianz National League – see headline graphic and explanations below.



The more complex two, the Sin Bin and the Mark are explained further below:




1.    The time activation for Sin Bin will commence when the game restarts after the dismissal of the player.


2.   After the 10 minutes has elapsed, a player can only return to the field of play at a break in play, and with the permission of referee.


If a player returns to the field of play without the permission of the Referee, he shall be dealt with under Rule 6.1 “to challenge the authority of the Referee, linesman or side-line official”. Penalty: Yellow Card. (In effect this would result with the player being sent off because a black card followed by yellow card results in Red card)


3.    If a goalkeeper receives a black card, it is at the discretion of the relevant team management as to how to address this matter, e.g. they may choose to use a substitute or use an outfield player (Note: If any outfield player is selected , he must wear a distinctive top if he wishes to avail of the protection provided to goalkeepers as per rule)


4.   A player who is in the Sin Bin at the end of extra time, and who has served his 10 minutes but has not returned to play (as there was no break in play) is eligible to be involved in a penalty shootout.


5.   If a player commits a further aggressive infraction while in the Sin Bin, the Referee will issue the Player with the relevant card, he will be sent off and cannot return to the game


Mark/Advanced Mark 


2.12 Mark (1) (ii)


When a player catches the ball cleanly on or inside a 45m line from a kick in play (i.e. not from set-play) delivered by an attacking player on or beyond the opposing team’s 45m line, that travels at least 20m and without it touching the ground.


  1. The Referee will award the mark by blowing his whistle, the player shall signify to the Referee if he is availing of the free-kick by immediately raising his arm upright and then taking the kick himself from the hands. The free kick shall be taken from the point where the Mark is awarded except in the case of a Mark awarded to an attacking team inside a 13m line when the free shall be taken from the point on the 13m line, directly in line with where the Mark is awarded.


  1. Please also note that for all marks (the advance mark and the kickout mark) the following provisions apply; the player will now be allowed 15 seconds to take the mark (it was 5 seconds previously). The opposing players must retreat 13m (which was 10 previously).


  1. If a player claims the mark, he cannot opt to play on.


  1. It should also be noted that as a Kick-out Mark is considered a “set play” in the Playing Rules, players will not be able to claim an Advanced Mark from the free kick that follows the awarding of a kick-out Mark.


  1. If the Referee determines that the player who makes the Mark has been injured in the process and is unable to take the kick, the Referee shall direct the player’s nearest team mate to take the kick, but this may only be allowed in exceptional circumstances.



By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Sat 25th Jan

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