Laurence McMullan short-listed for Translink NI Ulster GAA Coach of the Year

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Thu 21st Nov

Laurence McMullan short-listed for Translink NI Ulster GAA Coach of the Year
Laurence McMullan short-listed for Translink NI Ulster GAA Coach of the Year

Laurence Needs Your Vote

Popular coach from the St Mary’s Convoy club and PE teacher at Crana College, Laurence McMullan, is in line to be honoured as the Translink Ulster GAA Coach of the year. Laurence has coached at St Mary’s from underage all the way up to Senior and is a veteran Cúl Camp Coach. Not only does he coach but he is also on the club’s executive committee and there is not a job around the pitch and grounds that he hasn’t been involved with. Laurence has also been involved with the county senior squads, notably with Jim McGuinness in 2012, and the u-21s with Maxie Curran.


As a coach he has been a great inspiration to a lot of players young and old. He coaches and manages the Senior men’s and u-21 teams at St Mary’s, while also playing for the men’s team. Laurence is a secondary school teacher and is married with two young children. Since he took over the men’s team at St Mary’s he has taken them from Division 4 to Division 2. They were Division 4 champions in his first year and spent two years in YesChef Division 3 and finished second this year – so they will play in Marley Travel Division 2 Next Year. This is the first time in over 40 years that St Mary’s have played at this level – a fantastic achievement for a club with a small catchment area.


You can vote for Laurence at the link below:


By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Thu 21st Nov

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