Jamie Brennan is appointed first Donegal Cúl Camp Ambassador

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Wed 22nd May

Jamie Brennan has been appointed as the first official Cúl Camp Ambassador for Donegal and others will follow in the near future. Michael Murphy is already one of four national ambassadors for Cúl Camps throughout Ireland.

There are 37 Cúl Camps across the county during the months of July and August. The first five commence in Convoy, Dungloe, Glencolmcille, Muff and Letterkenny on Monday July 1st. The week long Cúl Camps are a great way to keep your kids active this Summer. Registration is easy at gaa.ie/kelloggsculcamps and anyone can get involved, not just club members, #KelloggsGAACulCamps #Cul4Life @KelloggsUK @officialGAA.

The full list of Cúl Camps in Donegal can be found at gaa.ie/kelloggsculcamps and the venues and co-ordinators for the five weeks in July are listed below.


WEEK 1                       Monday, 01/07/2019 to        Friday, 05/07/2019.

DL01                Convoy                        F/H       Stephanie Friel            087/7618831

DL02                Dungloe                       F/H       John Ward                   086/6036406

DL03                Naomh Columba          F/H       Paddy Hegarty            087/6386612

DL04                Naomh Padraig, Muff   F/H       Joe McLaughlin           086/2098394

DL06                St Eunans                    H         Paul McGovern            086/8114151


WEEK 2          Monday, 08/07/2019 to        Friday, 12/07/2019.

DL07                Carndonagh                F/H       Connell McGrenra       086/3866363

DL08                Glenswilly                   F/H       Pauline Carberry         083/8243208

DL09                Killybegs                      F/H       Paul Hegarty                087/2341064

DL10                McCumhaills                F/H       Luke Gavigan              087/7980865

DL11                Moville                         F/H       Dave Lee                     086/1921046

DL12                N/Colmcille                   F/H       Sharon Monaghan       087/9685558

DL13                Gaoth Dobhair             F/H       Sean O’Gallachoir       087/6489080

WEEK 3                       Monday, 15/07/2019 to        Friday, 19/07/2019.

DL14                Beart                           F/H       Martin McGrath            087/7431332

DL15                Ardara                         F/H       James McHugh            087/2222277

DL05                Naomh Muire               F/H       Kevin Boyle                 087/7544673

DL16                Kilcar                           F/H       Michael Molloy 087/2066513

DL17                Malin                            F/H       Shaun McLaughlin       086/8521166

DL18                Milford                         F/H       Shaun Barrett              086/6052169

DL19                Naomh Ultan                F/H       Colm Shovlin                087/9052122


WEEK 4                       Monday, 22/07/2019 to        Friday, 26/07/2019.

DL20                Buncrana                    F/H       Laurence Hegarty       086/0604058

DL21                Bundoran                    F/H       Noel Carr                     087/7851531

DL22                Cloughaneely              F/H       Paddy McClafferty      085/1604448

DL23                L/Kenny Gaels            F/H       Sean McBrearty          085/1742175

DL24                Naomh Brid                  F/H       Jamie Timoney 086/1013657

DL25                Naomh Conaill  F/H       Connie Doherty           086/1519835

DL26                Urris                            F/H       John Friel                     086/0523550


WEEK 5                       Monday, 29/07/2019 to        Friday, 02/08/2019.

DL27                Aranmore Is.               F/H       John Ward                   086/6036406

DL28                Fanad Gaels                F/H       Fiona Shiels                 085/1555645

DL29                Four Masters               F/H       Luke Keaney               087/7579506

DL30                Lifford                         F/H       Danielle Devine            086/4519689

DL31                St Michaels                  F/H       Manus Friel                  087/6470532

DL32                St Eunans                    F          Paul McGovern            086/8114151



By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Wed 22nd May

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