Irish Langauge Learning and Social Events in Downings – Seamus de Faoite Course

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Tue 21st May

Irish Langauge Learning and Social Events in Downings  – Seamus de Faoite Course
Irish Langauge Learning and Social Events in Downings  – Seamus de Faoite Course

Beidh Cursa Cuimhneacháin Shéamuis de Faoite ar siúl sna Dúnaibh i mbliana ó’n 15ú go dtí an 19ú Iúil. Is cúrsa Gaeilge é seo atá deartha do dhaoine fásta den CLG. Tá trí leibhéal ann mar a leanas – Bunrang, Meánrang agus Ardrang. Beidh imeachtaí sóisialta ann gach tráthnóna le ceolchoirm, céilí, léacht agus ceisteanna agus freagraí.

Tá na sonraí go léir maidir leis an gcúrsa agus an fhoirm iarratais le fáil sa dociméad atá istigh le seo mar cheangaltán.


The Séamus de Faoite course will take place in Downings this year from the 15th until the 19th July. This is an Irish language course designed for adult members of the GAA. There are three levels which include basic, intermediate and high level Irish. There will be social events every evening which include a concert, céilí, a lecture and questions and answers.

All details regarding the course including application form are in the attached document. Clicking on the link will open the document and it can then be downloaded.


Cursa de Faoite 2019 FINAL

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Tue 21st May

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