St Mary’s Convoy top seller of National Draw tickets in Ireland

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Tue 5th Mar

The GAA national club draw takes place tomorrow Wednesday March 7th. In conjunction with the National draw, there were also eight winners picked for prizes at county level and in Donegal, this draw has recently taken place.


Congratulations to the winner of the €1,000 first prize Tommy Gamble from Momeen, St Johnson. Fittingly, the winning ticket was sold by St Mary’s, Convoy who were the only club in Ireland who managed to sell their maximum allocation of 2,000 tickets raising €21,000 for the club – €20,000 from tickets and the club is also due a further €1,000 for selling the highest number of tickets in Ulster. The club also had its own local draw with five cash prizes adding up to a total of €1,000, ie a net gain of €20,000 for St Mary’s. Aodh Ruadh, Ballyshannon, who added a local prize draw to the mix, were not far behind in sales and also posted three County prize-winners. The full list of winners were:


1st Prize, €1,000, Tommy Gamble, St. Johnstone, Seller St. Mary’s Convoy;

2nd Prize €500, Patricia O’Reilly, Ballinfall’, Sligo, Seller, Aodh Ruadh;

3rd Prize €500, James Weedall, Ballintra, Seller Aodh Ruadh;

4th Prize €100, Pat Melly, Ballyshannon, Seller Aodh Ruadh;

5th Prize €100, Katie Kelly Slevin, Barnesmore, Donegal, Seller Mac Cumhaills;

6th Prize €100, Connell Mc Grenra, Woodside, Carndonagh, Seller Carndonagh;

7th Prize €100, John Duffy, Ballyare, Seller Termon; and,

8th Prize €100, James Beirne, 56 Admiran Park, Stranorlar, Seller Mac Cumhaills.


The national draw has been a run for the last five years and has proved a winner for clubs throughout the county with over €6 mn being raised in 2019. Prizes ranging from a Renault Clio Expression at the top of the scale to the twentieth prize of a shopping voucher for €250 at a retailer of choice. All proceeds are kept by the clubs and the major prizes are supplied by Croke Park. There will also be a separate Club Draw with three clubs in Ireland winning €5,000 and a chance to play a championship game in Croke Park.


By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Tue 5th Mar

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