By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Sat 30th Sep

The 4 L’s Campaign


The Donegal GAA Health & Wellbeing Committee in association with the Donegal Youth Council wish to invite you to the launch of their Mental Health Awareness Campaign as part of international World Mental Health day on 10th October 2017.

  • Date Thursday 5th Oct at 12 O clock
  • Venue Station House Hotel, Letterkenny

The campaign aims to send out a simple but important message around minding your mental health and that of your family, friend’s colleagues and community. All too often in this busy and hectic world we tend to overlook the simple things that can make a difference to minding our mental health

The 4 Ls message

Listen, out for our family, friends, neighbours, community and be available to them in a time of need

Look, out for each other, the young, and the elderly those who are vulnerable, those living alone, those who are being bullied and those who might be sad

Laughter, laugh at ourselves, laugh with others, life can be serious but your smile could warm up someone’s day.

Link up, stop talking about it and go and do it. Make that link, connection, phone call, text, e mail, card, or better still a visit from you

Our simple message is part of international world mental health day and recommended for everyday use.

Put the 4Ls into practice today and start making a difference to all our mental health.

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Sat 30th Sep

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