Expressions of Interest are sought from contractors for Donegal GAA Training Centre

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Wed 9th Aug


Expressions of Interest are being sought from suitable Contractors for the Construction of a new Training Centre for Donegal GAA at Broadpath, Convoy, Co Donegal

Project Description

The development comprises of a 2 storey multi-purpose building c.1200m2 containing changing rooms, hall, gym, meeting rooms and administration area with an external covered stand, a separate maintenance building and car parking.

Tender Procedure – Dual Stage

The selection of contractors will be a 2 stage process.

Contractors must first pass a selection procedure before being invited to tender.

Selection Criteria for inclusion on the tender list will follow the format set out in the Suitability Assessment Questionnaire, QWI for Works Contractors under a Restricted Procedure, which is published by the Office of Government Procurement and available on

QW1 will detail all the selection criteria requirements but in advance the following key criteria will apply.

· Minimum turnover threshold for each of the previous 3 years will be €2million euros.

· Evidence of suitable experience of projects of a similar size and nature, to include piling groundworks, over the last 5 years

· Participation in a Company Sick Pay and Pension Scheme

· Suitable qualification and experience of management and personnel including Health & Safety qualifications.

· Valid Tax Clearance

· Public Liability Insurance €6.5 million

Employers Liability Insurance €13 million

· A Performance Bond will be required prior to appointment.

Contractors who are interested in tendering should first submit their Expression of Interest. Contractors should not submit an Expression of Interest if they cannot meet the above criteria.

On receipt of Expressions of Interest each candidate will be issued with the Suitability Assessment Questionnaire based upon which successful Contractors will then be asked to Tender.

Expressions of Interest should be sent by email to Gregg Smeaton, or by post to M H Associates, Convent Road, Letterkenny, Co Donegal F92 HK58.

The deadline for receipt of Expressions of Interest is Friday 16th August 2017.

Expressions of Interest by any other method or to any other party will be rejected.

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Wed 9th Aug

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