Tickets can be purchase in advance from the County Office in Ballybofey or through local Centra and Super Valu outlets. The event is a unreserved seating event and seats will be on a first come basis, seats cannot be held. We will operate two entrances to the ground.
The Sean MacCumhaill Clubhouse side is TERRACE ONLY while entrance by the Villa Rose & Jacksons side is to the MAIN STAND ONLY.
Patrons are advised that once inside the ground movement between the Terrace and Stand is not Permitted.
1. All persons entering Mac Cumhaill Park are admitted only subject to the following Ground Regulations and to the Rules and Regulations of the Gaelic Athletic Association. Entry to the ground shall be deemed to constitute unqualified acceptance of all these Rules and Regulations. Any person who fails to comply with these Ground Regulations may be refused entry or removed from the ground.
2. Fireworks, smoke canisters, gas- horns, bottles, glasses, cans, flags, banners, poles and other similar articles or containers, including anything, which may be used as a weapon, are not permitted within the stadium.
3. The consumption of alcohol is not permitted within the ground and spectators are not permitted to bring alcohol into the stadium.
4. Smoking is only permitted in Designated Areas.
5. The unauthorised climbing of any structure, walls or buildings in the ground is strictly forbidden.
6. Unnecessary noise such as that from the use of radio sets, gas-horns and behaviour likely to cause confusion or nuisance of any kind, including foul or abusive language, are not permitted in any part of the ground.
7. Under no circumstances is it permitted to throw any object onto the pitch.
8. Unauthorised persons are not permitted to enter upon the field of play at any time before, during or after the games.
9. The Ground Management reserves the right to refuse admission or to eject any person who refuses to be searched were such a search is deemed necessary.
10. A person may not obstruct a gangway, stairwell or circulation area at any time.
11. All persons entering or in the ground are reminded of their obligation to ensure that their behaviour does not present a danger from fire or other occurrence to anyone using the premises.
12. The Ground Management reserve the right for its’ servants or agents to remove from the ground any person who does not comply with the Ground Regulations or whose presence in the ground could reasonably be construed as constituting a source of danger, nuisance or annoyance to other spectators.
Spectators are expected to obey Stewards at all times