Thank You to the New York Gaels who hosted the Donegal Senior Football Team

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Thu 11th May

Thank You to New York GAA County Board and Donegal NY GAA Club

On behalf of the Donegal Senior Football Team, Management and County Committee, we would like to thank those that helped make our recent trip to New York a wonderful experience for all who travelled.

Thanks to Laurence Mc Grath, Chairman of the New York County Board and Keelan Mc Laughlin, Chairman of Donegal NY for pushing the idea and putting the plans in place to make it happen. I hope you enjoyed having us as your guests. Thanks also to Simon Gillespie, New York Games Development Officer for organising our week-long visit and the huge planning you put in over the past few months.

We owe the Donegal NY club a huge debt of gratitude for their part in both organising a first-ever Golf Outing on our behalf in New York and for the role you played in making the trip the great success that it was. The committee who worked so hard was excellently led by Marty Moss and included Keelan Mc Laughlin, Rory Sweeney, Pat Mc Gill, Ronan Mc Feely, James Mc Fadden, Declan Gallagher, Michelle Comer, Mary Grant, Anton Diver, Earl Gallagher & Mark Mc Clafferty. Thank you so much.

Our thanks as well to Ned Devine’s, The Heritage, Moriarty’s Bar & Restaurant and Beer Authority for your hospitality and generosity.

To all those that supported the fundraising draw, played in the golf outing, bought auction items, donated prizes or supported the trip in any way from home, New York, Boston, Philadelphia and other areas, we appreciate it so much.
Keelan and Pat I hope you both enjoyed it as much as us. Thanks

We had a tremendous week and look forward to the summer now with your continued support.

Coiste Condae Dhún na nGall & the Donegal Senior Football Team.

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Thu 11th May

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