Donegal Mind Wellness are running a “Men Only” Stress Control Programme

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Thu 12th Jan

Donegal Mind Wellness are running a “Men Only” Stress Control Programme for the first time ever, and it is being hosted by Letterkenny Gaels in their Clubhouse.
It is a 6 session programme run over 6 weeks and there is no cost to the participants.

* Stress Control is a six session class (not a group therapy).

* As Stress Control operates as a class, there is no upper limit on the numbers who can attend (DMW have run classes in Donegal with over 100 people!).

* There is no discussion of personal problems in the class. This allows people who feel uncomfortable talking in front of others to attend without any concerns.

* ‘Stress’ usually involves a range of problems – anxiety, depression, panic, insomnia, poor self-esteem, low self-confidence, irritability and anger, drinking, using drugs to excess, burnout.

* It uses cognitive-behavioural techniques to reduce stress by teaching better coping strategies.

* Research shows that reducing stress does not necessarily result in better wellbeing. So Stress Control combines stress management with Mindfulness and Positive Psychology strategies to boost wellbeing.

* Classes are supported by slideshow presentations, hand-outs, video, audio and relaxation and mindfulness tracks (CD or on-line).

* Sessions (usually weekly) last for 90 minutes with a 10 minute break.

* The course does not use jargon and the 11 hand-outs are written for the average reader.

We will be running the above course in the clubhouse starting on 26th January, from 7:30 to 9:00pm – for 6 weeks – all men welcome.

Call Bill on 086029 8907 for more information


By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Thu 12th Jan

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