Naomh Columba Tráth na gCeist team who go straight through to the All Ireland finals in the quiz section in February 2017 in Belfast.
The Donegal Scór na Óg winners were as follows
The Ulster final of Scór na nÓg is on Saturday 14th January in Galbally in Co. Tyrone.
We wish the four Donegal acts that got through to the final all the very best.
· Rince Foirne – Céilí Dancing: Naomh Adhamhnáin
· Amhránaíocht Aonair – Solo Singing: Aoife Lennon – Bun Cranncha
· Aithriseoireacht – Recitation: Conor Ó Gallchóir – Cloich Cheann Fhaola
· Léiriú Stáitse – Stage Presentation: Gaoth Dobhair
Scór Sinsir
Scór Sinsir will be taking place in the county in early February.
The Ulster details are below and we will be working back from these dates in order to have our semi finals and county final completed by the end of February.
Ulster Scór Sinsir Dates.
First Semi-Final is on the 11ú Márta – Tyrone Venue. This is where the Donegal winners will be taking part.
Second Semi-Final is on the 12ú Márta – Antrim Venue
Final: 8ú Aibreán – Swatragh- Una Bn Uí Fheargusa to confirm.
By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Fri 16th Dec