Donegal GAA Website goes Orange for World Suicide Prevention Day

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Sat 10th Sep

Donegal GAA Website goes Orange for World Suicide Prevention Day
Donegal GAA Website goes Orange for World Suicide Prevention Day


Dear Friend, 

Your support is vital in shining a light on mental health and emotional wellbeing and raising awareness of our key message:  It’s OK not to feel OK; and it’s absolutely OK to ask for help. 

The aim of the Light Up Orange Campaign is to engage and mobilise communities to turn Ireland orange, with landmarks, buildings, businesses and homes in every corner of the island lighting up orange at 8pm on Saturday, September 10th , World Suicide Prevention Day. 

Support from the Irish Diaspora in joining us would make this a global initiative – so light your home, place of work or send a selfie #LightUpOrange  to us using Facebook, Twitter or Instagram


Find us on Facebook –Let’s Go Orange for World Suicide Prevention Day  (@letsgoorangeforworldsuicidepreventionday)

Please send us a brief message through Facebook Messenger, containing the relevant images and some details about your location. We will then share your images to the front of this page. Similarly, a selection of images will also be shared to our main Facebook page, bringing news of your participation in Light Up Orange Event to our 41, 000 followers.


Please share your images on Twitter, and tag our page, @CASuicide . Use the hashtags #LightUpOrange and #CASuicide800 to get Light Up Orange trending on Twitter. We will retweet messages and share images, spreading the message to our 12.6 thousand followers.


Please share your images on Instagram, and tag our page, Cycle Against Suicide . Use the hashtags #LightUpOrange and #CASuicide800. This particular social media outlet is very powerful in engaging young people, and so can hugely important in spreading the Cycle Against Suicide message to this key demographic.
Aside from the above, please feel free to e-mail images, with a brief explanatory note through to

Please put the reference Light Up Orange in the subject bar.  Again many thanks for support of this initiative.

Together, shoulder to shoulder, we can break the cycle of suicide on the island of Ireland.

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Sat 10th Sep

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