Cúrsa Cuimhneacháin Shéamuis de Faoite – 2016

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Tue 26th Jul

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Cúrsa Cuimhneacháin Shéamuis de Faoite – 2016

Bhí an 28ú Cúrsa Cuimhneacháin Shéamuis de Faoite ar siúl sna Dúnaibh ón 18ú go dtí an 22 Iúil. Tá an chúrsa urraithe ag Comhairle Uladh den CLG agus i mbliana bhí an slua is mó ar feadh tamaill le 125 cláraithe.

Bhí uachtarán an CLG  – Aogán Ó Fearghail i láthair don  oscailt oifigiúil. Chomh maith leis sin i láthair i rith na seachtaine bhí uachtarán Comhairle Uladh – Michael Hasson chomh maith leis an leas -chathaoirleach – Oliver Galligan, Comhairle Uladh OCP – Michael Geoghegan agus iar uachtarán Comhairle Uladh – Martin McAviney.

I measc na baill de CLG Dhún na nGall ar bhoird na contae, i láthair bhí an chathaoirleach Seán Dunnion , rúnaí Aideen Gillen , Oifigeach chultúrtha agus teanga Fergus Mac Aoidh agus toscaire Chomhairle Uladh Pat Connaghan.

Bhí bun rang amháin, dhá meán rang agus ard rang amháin achán lá ó 10.30rn – 3.30in. agus achán tráthnóna bhí ranganna amhránaíocht agus rince céilí.

Oíche Luain bhí ceisteanna agus freagraí le Fergus Mac Aoidh mar chathaoirleach agus ar an painéal bhí an Aogán Ó Fearghail – Uachtarán an CLG, An Dr. Seosamh Ó Ceallaigh, Martin Monaghan agus Séamus Mac Giolla Phádraig

Ghlac amhránaithe , ceoltóirí , scéalaithe agus damhsóirí ó gach cearn de Dhún na nGall agus Doire páirt sa cheolchoirm Scór ar an oíche Mháirt agus bhí cuid mhór as an chontae i láthair ag an céilí oíche Dheardaoin


The 28th cúrsa cuimhneacháin Shéamuis de faoite took place in Downings from the 18th until the 22nd July. This course is sponsored by the Ulster Council of the GAA and this year saw the largest attendance for some time with 125 registered.

The president of the GAA, Aogan Ó Fearghail was in attendance for the opening ceremony. Also in attendance during the week were the president of the Ulster Council – Michael Hasson along with the vice chairman – Oliver Galligan, Ulster Council PRO – Michael Geoghegan and former pesident of the Ulster Council – Martin McAviney

Amongst the executive members of the Donegal GAA county board in attendance were chairman Seán Dunnion, secretary Aideen Gillen, language and cultural officer Fergus McGee and Ulster Council delegate Pat Connaghan.

This year there was one class for beginners, two classes for those with a reasonable level of Irish and one ard rang for those with a higher level of conversational Irish. There were singing and céilí dancing classes each evening followed by entertainment every night.

On the Monday night there was a questions and answers session which was very well attended and the theme of the legacy of the 1916 rising along with other subjects were debated with a great deal of audience participation.  Singers, musicians, story tellers and dancers from all over Donegal and Derry took part in the Scór concert on the Tuesday night. On the Wednesday night there was lecture by Cuan Ó Seireadáin – Conradh na Gaeilge as well as an excellent presentation by Caitríona Nic Seoin – Glór na nGael. The Céilí Mór was on the Thursday night with music by the Duntally Ceilí Band and in addition to those on the course, many céilí dancers from all parts of the county came along and enjoyed a great night.

Great credit is due to the Downings GAA club who host the event every year and the level of cooperation this year was exceptional with club members doing everything possible to add to the enjoyment and smooth running of the course.

The Séamus de Faoite Irish language course which is sponsored by The Ulster Council of the GAA takes place in Downings every year and always begins on the Monday after the Ulster senior football final.

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Tue 26th Jul

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