Termon GAA Club Notes 29/03/2016

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Tue 29th Mar



The Reserves lost out by just 3 points, 1-10 to 0-10 and the seniors lost out by the minimum on a final scoreline of 0-7 to -0-8 and were very unlucky not to share the points from their opening game of the league. With Donegal away to Monaghan this weekend, the seniors have no game while the Reserve team are scheduled to travel to Naomh Conaill to play their reserve fixture from two weeks ago at 6pm at Davy Brennan Park, Glenties on Saturday.


Friday night at 9pm in An Craoibhín sees bingo resume after Good Friday, and we look forward to your continued support. With prizes of €2,600 guaranteed on the night, it is an excellent outing at the end of the week.


Last week’s lotto draw took place in McClafferty’s, Church Hill. Conall McGettigan matched 3 and won €80, and open draw winners were Roisín McCafferty and Dickie McGranaghan. This week’s draw takes place in the Glenveagh Inn with Kevin McElwaine and Conor Tinney co-ordinating.


Jimmy McElwaine with co-ordinate all training and games at the Burn Road this year, so anyone wishing to organise training or home matches at underage or senior level MUST liaise with Jimmy on 086 334 5878


The monthly meeting for April will be held at 8pm on Tuesday 5th April at the Clubhouse.


Congratulations to The Senior Ladies on a fantastic victory over Naomh Conaill on Good Friday. Hard luck to The Juniors on their defeat to Naomh Mhuire, also on Good Friday. Training continues on Friday at 6:15.

The U14 girls kick off the season with the ‘A’ team having a home game against Milford, throw in at 6pm on Wednesday. Players to be there by 5:30pm please. U14 girls ‘B’ team then follow up with a home game against Naomh Columba, throw in at 12 noon on Saturday.Players to be at pitch at 11:30 please.

U12Girls’ training starts this Friday at the pitch at 5:30pm. Newcomers especially welcome, spread the word please. Any queries contact Lisa on 0851650782. Games start beginning of May.

U16 county ladies

It’s a big weekend for our u16 county ladies,we have 2 girls in the championship team and 5 in the development team, both teams are heading for Crossmaglen for a double header against Armagh at 1:30 & 3:00. Our development team representatives are Annie McLaughlin, Lauren Gallagher, Hannah McSharry, Tiarnach McMenamin and Molly Roarty, The championship team has Shannon McLaughlin and Rionach Giles in its number, and is managed by Paddy McMenamin. Good luck to all the girls U16 ladies: Training for the u16 ladies will commence soon, league is not starting till August,all girls to make effort to attend junior training U12: The u12 boys season is now up and running, their league starts on May 4th,they will play there first match, a friendly, this Friday night down in Naomh Mhuire, text to confirm time will be sent out in the coming days,remember gumshield,gloves water bottle and tracksuit,any newcomers welcome, any queries contact Paddy 0872175234


The Minor Board season is moving up the gears with 4 age groups now in competition or in preparation for the season ahead. On Saturday last our U10s had their first coaching session of 2016 and there was a fantastic turn out for day 1. Day 2 will be this Saturday at The Burn Road, 10.30-11.45. All boys and girls should have several warm layers of clothes, gloves, a gum shield and their own water bottle. Anyone who has a child born in 2006 or 2007 that would like to bring them along to try it out can do so. Any queries contact David Brady 085 1305332.

U12: The u12 boys season is now up and running, their league starts on May 4th,they will play there first match, a friendly, this Friday night down in Naomh Mhuire, text to confirm time will be sent out in the coming days,remember gumshield,gloves water bottle and tracksuit,any newcomers welcome, any queries contact Paddy 0872175234

The U14s boys recorded a comfortable victory on Monday last over St Eunans B in O’Donnell Park. Well done boys a good start to what should be a special year. Next up it’s a trip to Glenswilly next Monday eve, 6.30pm throw in.

The Minor boys lost out to Fanad Gaels last Wednesday in an entertaining game at The Burn Road. With 4 County Minor players on show the football was of a high standard and it was only in the final quarter that the visitors grabbed control and won with a bit to spare. Next up for our young team is a trip to Milford this Sunday morning. Throw in time and details will be known at training on Thursday evening.

Coaching for U6s and U8s will commence on Saturday week April 9th and registration can be paid then, and for any of the other age groups anyone that is still to register their child for the 2016 season can do so at any of the coaching sessions or by contacting Conall Mc Gettigan 087 2365668 or Eugene Trearty 087 2025467.

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Tue 29th Mar

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