CLG BnaG GAA Club Notes 01/03/2016

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Tue 1st Mar

*CLG BnaG Health & Wellbeing Day 2016*
The Club will host its annual Health & Wellbeing day in the Ramelton Town Hall on Saturday 5th March from 11am until 1.30pm (alongside the country market). Entry is free and the following services have kindly agreed to attend:
1. HSE Smoking Cessation Service: Free confidential service for anyone who would like to or needs to quit tobacco. Assessment and advice on most appropriate treatment for individuals ( Fiona Boyle)
2. Citizens information Service: Provides information on Public Services and entitlements in Ireland (Sharon Molloy)
3. Health Assessment including Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure testing by local qualified Community and Hospital based nurses
4. Couch to 5k; A plan to help people get off the couch and running 5k in 9 weeks ( James Gibbons)
5. Social Proscribing: Is about linking people to non-medical sources of support in the community that they could benefit from (Leslie Newberry)
6. Good Health Fitness Ltd: Information on Personal Training, Group Training and Sports Nutrition (Gearoid Horkan)
7. The Orsi Foot Clinic: Provides professional treatments including nail trimming, in growing toe nails, corns, callus, fungal infection and verruca’s. Advice given on day to day foot care(Patricia Orsi)
8. Mental Health Information: Professionals including Mental Health Nurses and Counsellors/ Psychotherapists will be available to assist anyone enquiring about accessing any of the statutory, voluntary or private services
CLG Baile na nGalloglach will be providing information on Gaelic games activities available in the catchment area of the Ramelton, Milford and Rathmullan hinterland including their recent very successful ‘Scor’ activities. The club provide training and playing opportunities for adults and children (boys and girls) from under 8 to senior.
Samples of club gear will be on display and orders can be taken on the day

*U12 Mixed Training*
U12 Mixed training begins this Wednesday evening, 2nd March in the Loreto Community School gym from 6-7pm. €2 per person and anyone who has not yet registered can do from 5.45-6pm. €30 per child with family rates also available. Any queries contact Sean McHugh, Paddy Peoples or Gary Helferty

This weeks lotto numbers were 8-10-14-22. No jackpot winner, 2 match 3 winners, win €35 each. Patrick Kerr and Seamus Surkan Snr. Next weeks Jackpot is €2,020. Don’t forget you can enter the lotto from the comfort of your own home by playing through our own FREE Club App. Usual rules apply, pick 4 numbers per box, €2 and €5 options available. Numbers must be entered before 10pm or else they roll over to the next week. Perfect way for our many supporters and exiles overseas who would like to continue to support their Club.

*Underage Coaching*
Anyone interested in getting involved in the coaching of underage teams are asked to contact Nigel Black (086-8128869) or Aidan Cannon (087-6784787)

*Lotto Database*
Lotto database players are reminded that end of year payments are now due. Anyone wishing to join the lotto database in 2016 can download the standing order form from the Club website or contact Joe McNulty. The benefits of joining the database are:

– Full family membership for 2016 included
– Entered into every draw every week
– Automatically in Christmas hamper draw (One for database members only)
– 11 weeks free entry to lotto draw

*Lotto Sellers Required*
The Club is seeking lotto sellers in the Milford, Ramelton and Rathmullan areas. If you are interested contact Joe McNulty on 086-8547114

*Contact Us*
For all information and queries contact, follow us on Twitter on @CLGBnaG, and on Facebook on [] or see our website []

*CLG BnaG Club Gear*
A selection of club gear is available to order. Photos and prices of these items are on the club website and on the new Team App. Orders can be placed with Agnes Ryan 0868194751

Barry McNulty

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Tue 1st Mar

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