Urris GAA Club Notes 26/10/2015

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Fri 30th Oct

JIGS & REELS: The club wish to thank all who came and supported us in our Gigs & Reels in the Ballyliffin Hotel on Sunday night. Well done to all our dancers for taking part and the effort they put in the last few months. Thanks to Valerie Harkin for the effort she put in also. Thanks also to all sponsors of each dance team, MC Mickey Grant, Siobhan Kelly for organising this event, Judges Pat Mc Laughlin, Mary Doherty & Shaun Mc Daid, Ballyliffin Hotel for Sunday night and the weeks prior and to all who helped in any way on the night. Congratulations to our winning dancers of Brian & Tanya (Judges Choice) and Jason & Nicole (most votes). Well Done to all a most enjoyable night.

MATCH “N” WIN: October 22nd: No jackpot winner: numbers drawn: 4, 6, 16 & 20. €15 winners:
Michael Doherty, Maryvale.
Martin Kearney, Leenan Keil.
Rose Doherty (Gill), Annaugh.
Callum Mc Eleney (Kearney), Annaugh.
Mc Caul Family, Rooskey.
Jackpot next week €2,060. Thanks to all our lotto sellers and to all who support CLG Iorras in this weekly draw.

SENIOR & RESERVE FOOTBALL: Seniors are down to play N Brid in Ballintra on Saturday evening. Please check our Facebook page for time etc. .

CLUB PITCH: Our pitch in Straid is now closed due to much needed work being carried out. Thanks to all remaining teams and coaches for your co-operation.

U16 GIRLS: Are in the final of their group section against Naomh Mhuire, date and venue to be confirmed.

SCOR NA NOG: Scor Na Nog takes place in Muff on Friday 6th November. The club have Ceili dancers, solo singer and traditional group lined up so far. We would like to get a quiz team together as well, So if there would be U17’s in the club interested in forming a quiz team or anyone who can help to get a team organised please contact our Cultural Officer, Shaun Mc Daid on 0861948491.

MASS FOR DECEASED MEMBERS: The annual mass for deceased members is on Friday November 13th at 7pm in the clubhouse.

BINGO: Bingo every Thursday night in St. Mary’s Hall, Clonmany at 9pm.

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Fri 30th Oct

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