Cloughaneely GAA Notes 30/07/2015

By Thu 30th Jul


***Donegal Ladies Ulster Final***
Comghairdeas ó chroí le Róisín Ní Chuireáin agus le mná Dhún na nGall a bhain Craobh Uladh Dé Domhnaigh seo chaite. Bhuail siad Muineachán 2-12|1-10. Seo an chéad uair a bhain Dún na nGall Craobh Shinsireach Uladh i bPeil na mBan! Traoslaímid leo uilig.
Congratulations to Cloughaneely’s Roisín Ní Chuireáin and the Donegal senior ladies on winning the Ulster Final on Sunday against Monaghan, 2-12|1-10! This is the first time Donegal ladies have win this title! Well done to the girls and management team!

***Cloughaneely 5k Run/Walk***

Our final 5K is due to be held on August 26th (entry fee – €3 per child, €5 per adult – family rates available –all levels of fitness welcome to walk or run!!); so we encourage as many of you as possible to come along and join in the fun while also supporting the club. Food and refreshments will be supplied afterwards!

***Disco in Óstan Loch Áltan***

There will be a disco held in Óstan Loch Áltan on Wednesday August 12th with DJ Ed. Doors open 11 p.m. and admission is €10. Strictly over 18’s. So for those of you who are looking for a good night out (perhaps you are after picking up those leaving cert results!!) this is the perfect place to go! A variety of cocktails will be available at the front bar!

***Pouletpoo/Chicken Poop Bingo***

The Club are currently running this fundraiser with a difference! We are currently selling ‘squares’ at €5 a square. If you guess the square the chicken poops in you win €100! The event itself is due to take place on Saturday August 1st with venue yet to be confirmed. If you come across any of our volunteers selling the squares we would greatly appreciate your support in purchasing a square! Or you can contact one of our club officers to purchase a square!

***100 Club Winners –June***
Congratulations to following 100 Club winners for June:
€500 – Joe McGarvey (post office)
€100 – Tom Feeney, Pat McNickle, Terry Duggan, Brian Cannon, Murt Collins

*** GAA Cúl Camp – Thanks to all!***
D’éirigh go geal leis an Champa Cúl a d’eagraigh an Club an tseachtain seo chaite. Buíochas mór don páistí uilig a bhí páirteach sa champa agus de gach duine a chuidigh le heagrú na seachtaine.
Cloughaneely held another very successful cúl camp last week. Well done to all the kids who partook and many thanks to all of you who helped out in organising the camp! Many thanks to county star Odhrán Mac Niallais for his attendance and assistance during the camp!

***Notices for Club Notes***
All notices to be included in the club notes must be with the PRO by 7 p.m on Monday evenings to ensure inclusion in the notes. Tel: 086-1567503

Please find us on facebook and follow us on twitter (@clgcloughaneely) for regular updates on what’s going on in the club as well as live game updates!

By Thu 30th Jul


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