Naomh Colmcille club notes 13.04.2015

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Mon 13th Apr

The seniors got their first league points of the season on Saturday at home to Aodh Ruadh. A late goal secured victory for the home side on a full time scoreline of Naomh Colmcille 1-8 0-9 Aodh Ruadh.

The seniors lost out to Burt at home on Easter Monday.

The reserves unbeaten start to the season continued with a home draw against Aodh Ruadh on Saturday. Naomh Colmcille 0-12 2-6 Aodh Ruadh at full time.

The reserves had a 3 point winning margin over Burt on Easter Monday, 1-10 to 1-7.

There are a limited number of season tickets now available for free entry to all adult Donegal club league and championship matches (excluding Naomh Colmcille home games). €30 for the ticket or €50 for the ticket and Donegal club gear. Contact Alison Ferry.

Time is running out to get club registration sorted. If you think you’ll be looking for Donegal tickets for the Championship you’ll need to become a member. Registrations are now open to all senior players (€50), junior players (€10), adult members (€25) and families (€50). Contact Mark Ferry (087 9154559).

The club held a very successful Come Dine with Me event on Saturday, with a social night at the clubhouse to round off the event. Many thanks to everyone who hosted and participated in the event.

Naomh Colmcille CLG’s child welfare officer for 2015 is Breda Friel. If you or child have any issues through out year with coaches or bullying or other child issues please feel free to contact Breda on 0876393503 and she will try and address the issue. Everyone involved in coaching or helping out at underage level needs to have completed the child protection/awareness course. If you have not completed this course previously, please contact Breda ASAP to get numbers for a course in the coming weeks.

The club is now registered for the Lucozade ‘Kit Out’ promotion. Codes are printed on promotional bottles under the plastic wrapper – please note these codes so they can be entered online on behalf of the club to try and collect gear or equipment.

The club is again registered for the Sainsbury’s Active Kids scheme so please start collecting the vouchers on behalf of the club.

Naomh Colmcille CLG would like to extend sympathy to the family and friends of the late Kathleen Gough, Colehill, Newtowncunningham. Ar dheis De go raibh a h-anam.

Well done to Willie Gillespie, Daniel Clarke and their Donegal U21 team mates on their successes in the Ulster Championship this year. Unfortunately things did not go Donegal’s way in the final, and the lads lost out by the narrowest of margins following a late winner for Tyrone.

Check out the club’s new Facebook page (Naomh Colmcille CLG – Donegal) for latest updates on training, match times etc.

Training and Match Schedule.

Information here is correct at the time of compilation of the weekly notes. Check the Training Schedule section on the club website for latest updates on training for all age groups. The page will be updated regularly throughout the week. Updates also on the club’s Facebook page.

Subscription of €2 per player (up to and including minors) per week for training. Please make sure you bring your full kit (shorts, track bottoms, boots, sports top/hoodie/coat, drink). Remember a mouth guard is needed for training sessions as well as matches.

Seniors / Reserves. Training on Tuesday 14th and Thursday 16th at 7:00 pm. Bring boots and runners. Check the Facebook page for latest update.

Minors. Match at Cloughaneely scheduled for Monday evening (13th); bus leaving clubhouse at 5:15 pm. See Facebook page for latest update.

U16s. Training Wednesday (15th) at 6:30 pm. Check the Facebook page for latest update.

U14s. Training Saturday (18th) at 10:00 am. All new and returning players welcome.

U12s. Training next Friday (17th) at 7:00 pm. Check the Facebook page for latest update.

U10s. Training next Friday (17th) at 6:30 pm. Check the Facebook page for latest update.

U8s. Training next Friday (17th) at 6:00 pm Check the Facebook page for latest update.

Girls. U12/U14 training. See Facebook page for latest update.

Reminder that the use of mouthguards is now compulsory for all players.

Naomh Colmcille Weekly Lotto.

This week’s numbers are 19, 10, 2, 17, 23 and the winners are Sean Cullen, Stacey Doran and Michael Daly who win €25 each. Next week’s jackpot €650.

Last week’s numbers were 4, 12, 22, 20, 13 and the winners were Imelda Devenney, Patricia Cullen and Shaun O’Donnell who won €25 each.

Naomh Colmcille CLG are in need of more lotto sellers. The lotto is the bread and butter of our club. If you don’t drive we can set up on a team with a driver. Please contact Breda Friel (0876393503) if anyone is willing to help. Thanks.

The Club would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for their continued support of the Lotto as it gives the club the essential means of continuing to give our local kids and adults the chance to avail of a great and healthy pastime.

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Mon 13th Apr

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