Iorras GAA club notes 09/03/2015

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Mon 9th Mar

Scor Sinsear: CLG Iorras would like to say a Big Thanks to all who represented the club in the Ulster semi-final of Scor Sinsear on Friday night in Donegal Town. We had no luck on the night but a great achievement on reaching the semi-finals. Many thanks to Shaun Mc Daid and all the team for the work and effort put into the Scor competitions.

LADIES FOOTBALL: The ladies game against Malin was called off at the weekend as the pitch was not playable. Training continues every Wednesday night at 7.30pm and on Saturday’s at 11am. At time of these notes going to press fixture for this coming weekend not available, please check our facebook page for updates on same.

SENIOR & RESERVES FOOTBALL: Outdoor training every Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7.30pm and on Saturday’s at 4pm in Straid. In a challenge match on Saturday Urris beat Carn by 2-08 to 0-06 in very blustery conditions. First league match is on Saturday March 21st away to Milford in Division 3.

U18 Inishowen League: Our U18 team play Burt on Saturday in Straid at 5pm. (again please check our facebook page as fixtures may change)

CLUB MEMBERSHIP: Club membership is now due for 2015–Fees for the year: Adult Membership €25, Students (3rd level & in full time education with student ID card) €15 and Under-age €3. Anyone playing football for the club must have their membership paid up to be covered by insurance in case of injury. Club members will have also have first preference on Donegal Match tickets for the coming season. Fees must be paid in full by March 31st. Payable to John Friel, Edward Mc Laughlin, Nichola Donaghey or any Committee members. Clubhouse open on Saturday morning from 10am to 1pm.

MATCH “N” WIN: March 5th: No jackpot winner–numbers drawn: 4, 8, 9 & 14. €15 winners: Emma Kerin, 8 Heather Park, Buncrana, Evelyn Mc Gonigle, Tullagh,
Neil O’Donnell, Rooskey, Lola Kelly, Tullagh and Mario Comiskey, Urrismana. Jackpot next week €740. Thanks to all our lotto sellers and to all who support the club in this weekly draw.

U16 Boys Training: Training on Tuesday nights from from 6.45 pm to 8pm in the Youth Club. Can all bring €2 to cover cost of the hall. For further information please contact David Hession on 0860538537.

U14 Boys Training: On Monday nights at 7pm in Straid.

U12 Training: Boys & girls training in Straid every Thursday at 4pm.

U6 & U8 : Training for both U6 & U8 every at 11am in the Youth Club Clonmany. All children must be at school-no pre school children.

U10 GIRLS: Training every Saturday at the Youth Club Clonmany from 12pm to 1pm.

BINGO: Bingo every Thursday night in St. Mary’s Hall, Clonmany at 9pm. Bingo vouchers available for Mother’s Day, Birthday’s etc.

MONSTER BINGO: MONSTER BINGO: On Sunday March 22nd, Monster Bingo in the Community Centre, Clonmany at 3pm hosted by CLG Iorras in aid of St. Columbcille High Support Unit & Day Centre in Cleagh. €1,000 to be won on the 9th page. Books €10, sheets €2 and draw for a large hamper. Please pass this post on to family and friends and show your support for this super facility that we have in the Clonmany Parish

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Mon 9th Mar

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