Cloughaneely GAA CLUB notes 17/02/2015

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Tue 17th Feb

Monthly Club Meeting
Bhì an chèad chruinniú club den bhliain úr ann oìche Mhàirt, 10ú Feabhra. Buìochas mòr do gach duine a bhì i lathair. Lìonadh na folúntaisì i measc na n-oifigeach. Ceapadh na daoine seo leanas;

Asst Secretary: Ciaran Collins

Development Officer: Paddy McClafferty

Coaching Officer: John Joe McGeever

Oifigeach Scòr/na Gaeilge: Denise O’Leary

Health & Wellbeing Officer: Helena McCarry

Guìmid gach rath orthu ina gcúraimì i rith na mbliana. We wish the newly appointed officers all the best in their roles for the coming year.

We hope to hold our next club meeting on Tuesday, March 2nd!

Club Registration Evening/100 club

Deadline for 2015 club registration is March 15th.

The club will be holding a registration evening on Friday, 20th February from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at the club house. The cost of adult club membership for 2015 is €30, underage membership is €10.

100 club renewal letters have been posted out. Anyone willing to join the 100 club can also do so on the registration evening. Entry to the 100 club is €240 and can be paid in instalments or direct debit! Club membership is included for 100 club members. Prize money totals €1000 monthly: one €500 winner and 5 €100 winners each month.

Please note: In the event of another successful year for our county senior team, only club members who have registered and fully paid membership by our March 15th deadline will be eligible for match ticket allocation.

For those who have yet to complete the Garda Vetting form, you can do so on our registration evening also. All managers/helpers are reminded that they MUST be Garda vetted to help out with teams. Contact Laura Gallagher 0861624060 if you require further information, or call down during our registration evening.

100 Club Winners- November

Apologies for delay in printing the names of our November winners! Congratulations to the following:

€500 – Gerry Flynn

€100 – Danny Rua Ò Gallachòir, Dr McGill, Brian & Cara Nolan, Shaun McGuire, Shaun McGarvey.

Well done!

Congratulations to Roisìn Nì Chuireàin who was part of the county senior ladies team who defeated Armagh at the weekend Donegal 1-11 Armagh 1-10..

Congratulations to Emma McGee who was part of the county u-14 squad who played Sligo last week! Well done girls!!

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Tue 17th Feb

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