Cloughaneely club notes 19/01/2015

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Mon 19th Jan

***Senior Management.
Tá John Paul Ó Gallachóir ceaptha mar Bainisteoir úr ar an fhoireann sinsir. Guímid gach rath air ina ról úr. Buíochas mór do Seosamh Mac Gairbhé as an obair agus dílseacht don fhoireann agus an chlub fríd bliain iontach rathúil. Best of luck to John Paul Gallagher in his new role as senior team manager!!

***Minor Board
There’ll will be a minor board meeting next Sunday (25th January), at 6 pm in the clubhouse.

Under 6, 8’s and 10’s training resumes Friday 30th in the school gym at the usual times. U-12’s resumes Monday 2nd.

A foundation level coaching course begins in St.Michael’s club house on 30th and 31st January. If anyone is interested please contact Dan Doohan on 085-1742953 or any other minor board member.

****Ladies Board

The Ladies Board held their AGM last Saturday night 17th January & the following Officers were elected and we wish them all the best in their roles for the coming year.

Chairman: Tom Feeney

Vice Chairman: Denise O’Leary Kelly

Secretary: Pauline McGarvey

Asst Sec: Laura Gallagher

Registrar: Mary B McGee

U12 & U14 Manager – Laura Gallagher

Congratulations to Tom Feeney on being appointed as the new assistant secretary for the County Ladies team.

Cloughaneely Ladies GAA are looking for help from interested parents or individuals to assist in the running of the club and require assistance particularly in the area of Management and Coaching of our underage and senior teams. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Pauline 087 6952180 or Tom Feeney 087 2785601, for further enquiries before 1st February.

*****We would like to wish Paddy O’Grady a speedy recovery, from all at Cloich Cheann Fhaola GAA club.

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Mon 19th Jan

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