Cloughaneely GAA Club Notes

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Fri 21st Nov

Bhí séasúr fhada ag an fhoireann sinsear nuair d’imir siad sa cluiche leath cheannais Uladh i gcluain Eois ar an Domhnach seo caite an 16ú Samhain, ach faraor ní raibh an lá leo, rinne said éacht ar dóigh fáil an fhad sin. Tá ár mbuíochas tuillte go mór acu as an séasúr mhaith a thug said dúinn agus ba mhaith linne an fochumann agus an lucht tacaíochta comhghairderas a dhéanamh leo as ucht an chraobh idirmhéanach a bhaint agus fáil fríd go dtí an cluiche leath cheannais Uladh.

The senior team had a very long season this year beginning with training in January and it culminating with an Ulster Semi Final in Clones on the 16th of November. A great achievement for the management but especially the players who put in a lot of time and effort all year. We the Committee and the supporters thank them for a good season and congratulate them on winning the intermediate championship and on getting to the final four in Ulster, a great achievement.

The Dinner dance will take place in Óstán Loch Altan on the 30th of December and we hope to see a big crowd there.

The AGM will take place on Sunday the 4th of January.

Minor board.

Indoor every Friday in PCC gym U6s start at 6pm, U8s at 7pm and U10s at 8pm. Registration must be paid at the beginning of the season.

U12s Indoor will resume for this year on Monday the 24th starting at 7pm. Registration of €10 must be paid on the night.

Well done to the minors who defeated St Eunans in the shield on Saturday last final score CCF 5 07 St Eunans 0 11.

The minor ladies team fought a hard battle against Fanad on Saturday but unfortunately were defeated in their game, final score CCF 1 02 Fanad 2 12.


Continuing on from the success of the jigs and reels last year CLG Chloich Cheann Fhaola are once again show casing a night of local talent in the form of men and women from the locality showing their talent as Irish dancers. The dancers have been practicing for a number of weeks which guarantees a great night of entertainment and craic for everyone.

Come out and support the Club on the night, tickets will be on sale in the coming weeks from any committee member and Óstán Loch Altan.

By Sinéad Breen Donegal PRO Fri 21st Nov

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